Continue reading...Snow, snow go away, come again…
Snow, snow go away, come again next Friday … about 6:00 am. That would be ideal.
Continue reading...Sorry, but I DO NOT want it to…
Sorry, but I DO NOT want it to snow. We’re supposed to trim the tree at Grandma and Grandpa’s which is 2 hours (ish) away! No...
Continue reading...Craigslist rocks! We are going…
Craigslist rocks! We are going to be the best parents EVER this year! 😉
Continue reading...Off to a wedding in T minus 30…
Off to a wedding in T minus 30! I’ve been forewarned that this won’t be the traditional walk down the aisle. 😉
Continue reading...Delete. Delete. Delete. Delete…
Delete. Delete. Delete. Delete. I’ve freed over 50Gb of space today by purging 2009 … wow. 🙂
Continue reading...Emily would like everyone to k…
Emily would like everyone to know that she can read. And she can! She read the entire “Dear Santa” book to me last night. 🙂
Continue reading...2 NILMDTS this week. 2 militar…
2 NILMDTS this week. 2 military families. I hate that it can happen at all and worse when they are such humble, strong folks. 🙁
Continue reading...Wanh! Says my daughter with ri…
Wanh! Says my daughter with ringlets that reach below her butt – “Mom? Can you use that flat thing & make my hair straight?” She’s 5!...
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