I have been telling this to Joseph for years but it was never clicking. Now, once he has a book in hand, he just about can’t...
Continue reading...Joseph
Joseph’s first day of 5th grade …
is done and done well. It’s a first … having a good first day. Let’s see how long it lasts. 😀 I met his teacher this...
Continue reading...Joseph has his 12 year molars!
So does that mean he’s actually 12? 😉 Just kidding! Actually the poor kid has 5 (yes, 5!) loose teeth, plus those molars coming in. It’s...
Continue reading...Joseph should really be a masseuse when he grows up
He REALLY should. He gives me the most amazing shoulder rubs … like deep tissue massage. Uhn. Heavenly. I got an hour long one last night...
Continue reading...Joseph helped pull weeds …
in someone else’s yard! Now why can’t he be that helpful at OUR house? 🙄 He spent 2 hours outside pulling weeds, using the weed killer...
Continue reading...Ron’s first passenger!
I’m sure he’ll write all about this in his blog (in about a month) … but today, Ron and JOSEPH went flyin’! Joseph was Ron’s first...
Continue reading...Joseph’s best birthday *ever!*
Or so that’s what he said at least! His bike, money enough for a Nintendo DS, three games and a cool case. This boy racked up!...
Continue reading...Joseph is going to the 5th grade!
His report card was his best ever! He got TWO 3* this time! They were in Science and Social Studies. Then, his EOG report was the...
Continue reading...Happy Birthday Joseph!
Joseph is 10! Double digits! The big 1-0! Ten years ago this morning, at exactly 8:23am, out came a 9lb 8oz baby BOY whom we aptly...
Continue reading...Joseph the bookworm
Did anyone EVER(!!) think I’d write that about Joseph? Well … it seems the work the teachers, staff and supporting teachers at TCE have done in...
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