Joseph is usually my super-on-time-wake-up-at-the-same-time boy…. except lately he’s been mom-can-I-have-5-more-minutes boy. 😀 In any case, today, we were both pushing it and saw the bus,...
Continue reading...Joseph
Note from Joseph’s teacher…
Yeah Joseph! “Good Morning Mrs. Bickers, I just wanted to let you know that I am SO very pleased with Joseph! This morning he came into...
Continue reading...Mom? Do you want to know what I got on my math test?
Uh … duh! Of course! A 4! hunh? A 4 is like an A+ … and while I hate the new numeric grading system adopted by...
Continue reading...Why Joseph won’t be going to NCSU
One morning, Joseph and I were in the car and he aked where I went to school — to college. I said “NC State University” quite...
Continue reading...Apex Breakfast with Santa… and Joseph with Santa
At the last minute, I was asked by a downtown real estate agent to photograph the kids with Santa at the annual Apex Breakfast with Santa....
Continue reading...Roller Hockey!
Joseph went to play roller hockey at a roller rink with his neighborhood friend tonight. Apparently, he had a BLAST. I remember my days roller skating,...
Continue reading...IEP review meeting
I met with Joseph’s teacher, his CCR teacher and the school Principal to discuss Joseph’s IEP. It’s an annual review. All three said they’ve seen a...
Continue reading...My three girls. :)
My lab called to tell me I’d messed something up with my recent order. In the process of describing where things should go, she referenced one...
Continue reading...No more cast. :)
Joseph had his cast removed today. After double checking that the break has healed, he was cleared to resume a normal life. Well… sorta. No cast,...
Continue reading...Joseph is a black belt!
Joseph tested for his black belt in taekwondo tonight! After 3.5 YEARS, he has finally reached the major goal — his black belt! He’s very excited...
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