Daddy! 🙂
I had a rough time getting the girls to bed last night. It took nearly 2 hours for them to fall asleep. So, by 10:10pm they were out. I gave up and went to bed too. By 10:30pm I was in bed and at 10:50pm, Abby woke up. Good grief.
I got up, got her and brought her to bed with me. I honestly can’t remember what happened after that. 🙂 But, I do remember Ron bringing me a baby and switching out a baby a couple of times until I got up at 4am to switch one myself. Then, not again until 7am.
I actually wonder if they don’t like the dark of the room. I can put Em down after she nurses at 7am and she’ll fall asleep on her own… as long as she has a toy.
Ron told me that she slept until 10am yesterday!
Ultimately, I got *some* sleep last night and am feeling much better today. We’ll see what tonight brings…