LifePointe had a big church outing for Club Riot (the kids church). There were something like 130 people from church that went, with their kids and friends to JellyBeans in Wake Forest for some roller skating.
Keep in mind, Joseph has *never* been roller skating, so I was a bit worried about how he’d do.
We got our skates (he and I skated, Daddy opted to watch babies… note I say “opted” 😉 and then got some munchies so Joseph could get use to the skates.
Here’s Joseph in the snack bar with his skates on…
Here’s Abby with Daddy sitting in the booth…
There were lots of goings on in the skating rink, so we took the girls to see through the plexiglass. Em’s looking around Ron at me behind the camera.
Emily was NOT a happy camper at this event. She was literally screaming her head off. We think there were just too many people and she was scared. When Mommy came back, she was happy Emily. When Mommy went and skated with Joseph she became unhappy Emi. 😉
Here’s a closer picture of the happy girls…
Joseph did finally make it onto the rink floor. He was very nervous because the rink is smooth. Outside the rink is carpet. He fell within about 1 minute and it took a lot for me to get him going again, but he did. He fell a couple times later and when I checked on him, he was “cool” with it. 🙂
I skated backwards, in front of him to get this one. He thought that was scary. 😉
And, here he goes off on his own! He was very “brave” this night and had a lot of fun.
We ended the evening with dinner at Wendy’s with some church friends.
Skating rinks brought back lots of memories for both Ron and I. I remember skating to the song Celebration in Michigan! And, again at the Rollerdome in King, NC (is it even still there??)