I walked downstairs tonight into my piano room expecting to play for the girls and Joseph and notice our hard woods were really dark! On closer inspection, the wall was bowing away from the floor!
Ron came down and made some phone calls. Roto Rooter is here now and they are drilling holes everywhere trying to find a *MAJOR* leak.
Dining room/piano room ceiling.
Garage wall (just one part… there are lots more holes where they were trying to find the spot.
Apparently, what I found today has been going on for a while. We took a picture off the wall and behind it was MOLD!!! I’m so grossed out!
One of my New Year’s resolutions was to spend money better. I managed an entire month. Didn’t go over our dining out budget at all in January (that’s a first!) and now this! It’s $305 for Roto Rooter to be here tonight and who knows the cost of replacing what now seems will be an entire indoor wall up to the 2nd floor *and* the hardwoods and the wall and ceiling in our garage (where they are drilling).
Oh… and wouldn’t you know it… our girls who wake up every hour have been sleeping without a peep since 8:30 pm through all the racket. Go figure.