They read my “Whatcha Thinkin’?” on the radio!

Mix 101.5 has a “Watcha Thinkin’?” bit they do in the mornings each day. These are comments from us “listener” folks that are relevant to every day life, stuggles, etc. that others can relate to. Sometimes they are stories. Others are comments, question or issues.

I submitted one last week and they read it today! Here is what it was…

“I have a 30 minute commute to work each day. When I *have* to be on time, and leave 30 or even 60 minutes early, it takes all of those 30 or 60 minutes *and* my normal 30 minute commute to make it on time.

But, if I don’t have to be on time, are being lazily late, or even leave late under a no-pressure status, I can make it in 20 minutes.

What’s up with that?”
Sherry’s response was, “That’s the way of the world, Aimee”. 🙂

When they started reading them this morning (because they generally read more than one), I was listening and heard them say Alme, then Sherry said “wait, that’s an i, I can’t read”… Aimee — and she even spelled it out A-i-m-e-e! Then repeated, Aimee in Apex (that’s me!).

That was just so cool!