Real laughter!

Ron told me that he tickled Emily Friday and that she let out a huge(!) laugh! So, of course I had to try and sure enough, she’s got my laugh! 😉

Abby, on the other hand… nothing doing.

So, I tried Abby again today and sure enough… laughter of the same sort! Tickle her under her arms and she’ll let out a big ole belly laugh!

At Sara’s birthday party tonight, Grandma Bickers was hold Emily. Em was staring Ron down. So, Grandma lifted her up to get her closer to Ron and Em let out a great big laugh! So, they did that several times with each time Emily laughing quite loudly.

Since I’d gotten Abby to laugh earlier in the day, I tickled her under her arms while we were there and sure enough, she let out some good big laughs, too! This was the first time Ron had seen Abby seriously laugh like this.

But, of course, both girls were showing off for everyone! 🙂