I got some sleep! I got some sleep!

I put Abby to bed (with Emily) at 9:45pm last night. She didn’t wake up until 4:30am to eat and then went right back to sleep and didn’t wake up until 8:40 am (according to Ron)!

Em wasn’t quite so good… woke up a couple of times, the last being 6:30am, but woke for the morning around 9:15am.

This is a MAJOR breakthrough as these girls were waking 3-4 times at night to eat (nurse).

Of course Ron says it won’t last (and I know that) but I got 6 hours of straight sleep last night (because I don’t count Em’s waking up at 1am since it was only her and I fell right back to sleep).


PS… as a nursing mom, you can only imagine what this does to ones breasts… needless to say, when I got to work at 8:30 am, I pumped 9oz on the side Abby would normally have nursed from!