I had a craving for some wine with dinner tonight, so out I went to Lowes to pick some up. Well, Abby was wide awake (after having taken her super-power nap today), so I dragged her along with me.
This is the first time she has been in a grocery store! I put her (in her car seat) in a shopping cart and rolled her from the parking lot to the store, in the store and out back to the car. She did NOT like the ride from the car to store and store to car.
The bumps obviously bothered her. As I oh-so-slowly went over them, she’d sit up in her seat as far as she could (given she was strapped in) and her forehead was all wrinkled up as if she was concentrating really hard and her eyes looked very worried!
It was cute to watch, but I could tell she didn’t like it. Have to try again sometime… maybe the next time I actually go to the store instead of buying/ordering online. 🙂