Red Robin service in Apex sucks … BUT …

*Every* time we go to the Red Robin in Apex, something happens. It’s been like that from day 1. Why we continue to frequent the establishment is beyond me … well, actually it’s because we always get free stuff!

So this Sunday afternoon’s lunch was no different. Ron and I drove separately because he and Joseph were going flying immediately afterward, whereas the girls and I were going shopping.

The kids and I arrived and were seated, nearly immediately at a big round table, smack in the middle of the restaurant. And then we waited.

10 minutes later Ron shows up and sits down with us. And we waited more.

There is a family that is seated a minute or two before Ron arrives that is greeted by a waiter immediately after Ron sits down with us.

So, not 12 minutes have passed with NO ONE APPROACHING OUR TABLE.

I told Ron … if a server appears for the table behind us before one shows up for us, I’m going to the Manager. Sure enough, I got up, headed up front, asked for a Manager and 2 minutes later he came to our table.

I explained the situation and he immediately went into “make these people happy mode” which I just love! The Manager took our order, sent out a different (apparently not usually assigned to that table) waiter, we got two free appetizers and then he took our order and gave us the ENTIRE LUNCH FOR FREE!

So, why do we keep going back? Because we get free stuff! 🙂