Joseph is going to the 5th grade!

His report card was his best ever! He got TWO 3* this time! They were in Science and Social Studies.

Then, his EOG report was the best yet too … finally, over the state line. Not as good as most of the kids in 4th grade in his school, but over the state at least. Better than 40% of state students in English/Reading. Better than 66% of state students in Math. MUCH better than last year.

His writing grade — from the big writing test was a 2 which is not good for moving forward to 5th grade, but as we know, he has in-school support and he’ll continue with that next year.

So, in four weeks, he goes back to school … into the 5th grade and Ron and I become the bus because we opted to grandfather him through at TCE and not go to OCE for his last year. That’s our “punishment” for not following Wake County’s rule that he go to OCE for his LAST year in elementary. There will be a LOT of carpoolers at TCE next year because of that. Oh well.