Two weeks ago, the girlies (and boy) went to G&Gs house for Father’s Day. After their return, my sister, their driver for the day, called to let us know she had strep.
Two days ago, Abby started spiking fevers and complaining her tummy hurt. She quit eating, but was drinking like a sponge.
Today, she and Emi had their 3 year well checkups and with the symptoms, Dr. Ramsdell decided to run a strep test on Abby … “just in case”.
Sure enough. She’s positive for it. 🙁
So, next week, when Emi comes down with the fevers, we’ll know.
Then, the following week, when Joseph comes down with fevers, we’ll know.
Then, the week after, when Ron comes down with fevers, we’ll know.
And, then, after that, when *I* come down with a fever, we’ll know.
Then we can start the cycle all over again. 🙂