I had this neat opportunity presented to me last week. A local apartment/townhouse complex wanted to provide their residents with Mother’s Day photography so their residents could get a 5×7 or something like that. Via email, we chatted and planned to meet today.
Our meeting was great. We had everything set, all lined up. Residents would pay $25 for a 10-15 minute session with me, get a 5×7 print as part of that and then could order more right then and there. I took a few “action items” back with me to my studio to start developing. Basically, get a flyer together and some other materials for display.
At 4pm, I get a call from the same person I spoke with telling me that they were really looking for someone to do it for free. Hunh? Are you kidding? Work 9am-5pm and work for free? I don’t think so!
The residents of the townhomes are NOT my target market. I am NOT doing this out of the goodness of my heart. The rental complex isn’t a charity and I wouldn’t be getting squat out of it, except the “potential” for a few bucks that likely wouldn’t even cover my costs for the day.
So, I said to her … fine, don’t make the residents pay … you guys pay the $25/resident and it’ll be a give to your residents. Her response?
“Oh! We’re not going to pay for that!”
Uh …. does she *really* think she’s going to get a pro to work for FREE? Ha! Yes, she’ll likely find someone, but it won’t be me. I value my own work too much to take that on. No way. No how.