The girls enjoyed their first babysitters today while Ron and I went to see SpiderMan 2 at the IMAX theatre in downtown Raleigh. Steph and Shawn were the babysitters of choice!
Oh, and Steph got the girls right on the first try (but not the last before they left… oops!)
We left about 3:10 pm after feeding both girls again to top them off. We returned at 6:30pm. Em was happy, Abby was not. Apparently, they took turns being happy or sad during our time away.
Emily had another of her “long” crying jags (Steph estimated it to be 20 minutes). But all in all, she was just fine. Both girls napped for a bit, ate some (but didn’t like the bottles and this was in the same batch as another bottle or two that they didn’t like before that Ron tried to feed them, so I dumped two more to try and avoid that problem again.
Of course, upon our return, Abby was made happy by nursing and Emily was happy by being held by Daddy… then nursing. Em was so happy with Daddy that she actually laughed a cute, little laugh for him!
We treated them (Steph & Shawn) to dinner at The Italian Pie for hanging out with the girls. Steph called it an experience… not a bad one… actually a good one, but definately a different one.
You don’t quite understand what it takes to watch two babies until you’ve done it at one time! 😉
Thanks Aunt Stephie and Shawn!!