I am reclaiming my family room!

The girls have made a mess of the family room for months now. Today, I cleaned it and cleared it of LOTS of baby toys, unused toys, trash toys, etc… many which will be given away or sold at a yard sale. We moved the diapers to the bathroom to encourage Abby to go to the bathroom instead of just grabbing a diaper from the family room. The ottoman went back into place (2.5 years after it was moved) and all the extra blankets and stuff went back up.

It’s so nice!

We’re eliminating drink cups in there … sorta. They are being encouraged to drink at the table out of a non-lidded cup. Em doesn’t pull on her hair as much this way! And they are going to pick up their food that they dump everywhere! The result just today was that they actually ate dinner! (‘cuz they hadn’t snacked all day long!).

We’ll see how long it lasts, but it’s awesome right now! 🙂