Ok, so I know last week was really my first week, but today is my first full day. Workin’, in my studio, doin’ stuff I gotta do. 😀
Amazingly, despite, 3Dsolve’s lack of initiative and follow through on my contract, I feel quite free and relieved to not be making any money right now. Ha ha. 😆 I just have this sense of calm … before the storm? 😀 😉
Oh, and PSNC came this morning at 9:15am and my heat is on! That means my Internet access and my heat is all working and it’s soooooooooo wonderful! Honestly, if I didn’t know this were my own place it wouldn’t seem that different than 3Dsolve … my office was in the back corner and I was basically by myself ALL the time. Oh well. 😀
Time to get workin’! Got stuff’a do! 😀