Apex explosion

If you haven’t already heard, a hazardous materials facility located in Apex, NC, about 3 miles from our house exploded around midnight, of 10/6, causing the evacuation of 1/2 of the population of Apex and closing businesses and schools today… and potentially into this weekend. The explosion was due to a leak and the effect was a “nuclear bomb looking” mushroom cloud of chlorine gas going into the air. It was so dangerous crews were not allowed to douse the fire… they had to wait it out and get people out of the way of the cloud.

To top it off, after that explosion, it reached the petroleum plant next door and blew up some of their gas too. 🙁 Oops.

We were lucky. Our house is situated within a football’s throw of one of the shelters. So we did NOT have to evacuate. We did, however, hear all about it during the night and started getting friends and family phone calls around 6:30am checking in on us. It’s so nice to be loved. 🙂

I think the rain is helping considerably. It’s been raining nonstop since this morning. And while that’s bad for my planned Pumpkin patch photos tomorrow, it’s excellent for this accident as it is dissipating the chlorine gas cloud.

As of noon-ish today, you still could not drive into Apex … all roads leading IN were block. But by our house, it was clear and free to drive.