Dogs & ‘brellas

Mom and Dad have a new dog. His name is Hans. Hans is BIG! Hans is sweet. Hans is BIG! Shall I repeat that? Hans is big!

Now, imagine you are only 32″ tall and this dog looks you straight in the eye. You’d be pretty freaked out too I’d think. 😀 Well, E&A certainly were, but as we were “finishing” up our time with Grandma and Grandpa, Emi, gave Hansie a hug…


Abby was not quite ready for doggie hugs … but, she was downright mad when she wasn’t allowed to have the ‘brella. So, we went outside for a bit and let her play with it. Talk about putting size into perspective … she’s 1/2 the size of the umbrella!

Abby is holding the ‘brella and Emily is walking next to her. 🙂
Emily & Abby

Here is just Abby’s feet!