Visit to a new church

We all visited LifePointe Church today. This is our 2nd visit to this church. Strangely enough, there seems to be an influx of “old” Brooks folks. 🙂

This is a “start-up” church, currently meeting in a movie theatre! It’s kind of fun being in that the environment is so different. Last week, both girls slept through. This week, Abby woke, so I had to go to theatre 2 to feed her. 🙂 We pretty much have full-reign of the entire theatre (6 theatres in all) until they open for business around noon.

They were INCREDIBLY friendly upon our first visit — no one knew us and they greeted us accordingly. They were quite wonderful, pointing out the “cafe” with complimentary doughnuts, breads, coffee and juice, the kids church, the theatre where everyone meets, the visitor “center”, etc. etc. It was quite an introduction right from the beginning.

This place is VERY different than Brooks. There are instruments and a lead singer or two — a woman and a man so far. I love the music and if we choose to leave Brooks and attend this place, I will hopefully get involved with the musical group! It would be lovely to play the piano with them.

Since it’s a temporary location right now (only open since February 2004 anyway) everything is temporary. The “body and blood” come in pre-packaged individual containers. Very funny the first time we got them. Ron says they taste nasty! But I think it’s just ’cause it’s different and not cold.

The offering is done with popcorn buckets. 🙂 Too bad there isn’t any popcorn!

Joseph went to KidZone today which is their children’s church. He says it was great. Cinda Williams was nice enough to sit with him. Maybe next time, he’ll get even more involved. He did specifically say he liked it though, so that’s a good start.

For a brand-new church, they are filling up fast. The theatre that is being used is full during 10:30am service, SRO almost!. There is also one at 9:00am (that we’d never make, for sure!). They are looking for a new facility, but it’s not known to me what the ETA is for getting into one.

So far the two messages that we’ve heard have been great. It’s been a study of James and today was on patience. How appropriate! So far though, the messages, while directly from the bible, are presented with extreme relevance in today’s world, using today-based examples.

We’ll probably continue to visit for a while to see how they operate on a regular basis, then make a decision at some point. Next week is a picnic, that even Joseph wants to attend, so we’ll probably go!

Until next week…