Joseph’s new bike

For several months, Joseph has been asking for a new bike. Unfortunately, the one he has is made for toddlers (or so it seems) and he has just plain outgrown it.

Seems he needed a 20″ bike (or so). So, off we went to Toys R Us to see if we could find a decent one. Sure enough, we did. Now, it will be up to Joseph to keep practicing riding as he has since last summer when we were trying to teach him to ride (and he did, successfully).

We even bought the “service” plan on the bike which repairs or replaces all parts for a year — including the entire bike if need be. This means from anything – getting rusted due to rain, getting run over, getting bent up or out of shape. Basically for any reason, no questions asked and it was only $8.99. Seems worth it if Joseph really is going to ride it.

He’s gotten a bit more adventurous/dangerous on his scooter, so I imagine the “boy” in him will start the same with the bike, soon. Once he starts riding, I’ll get a new picture and upload it!