I went to pick up my check from Avis for their 1/2 of the 10 photos the asked for for their retail store. Anyway… I got there and got some bad news… they can’t use them. Avis policy is that photos must be “neutral” like landscapes… with NO people…. well… of course mine WERE people, so that was $190 MORE dollars of mine that I lose… because I have NOWHERE else to put them… no other showcase place.
He was nice and paid his 1/2 still… but I too shelled out my 1/2 and with no where to put them except in my own house, I’ve essentially paid $190 to print and frame 10 photos that I can’t use. I have nowhere to hang 8 of them… or really the other two either as they are quite large. They were SPECIFICALLY made for a retail location… his actually.
I’m really not mad, but truly and honestly disappointed and kind of emotionall spent. This week has been a ridiculous series of negative events. I just hope and pray they are over with.