Oh what a long night that was…

Last night was incredibly rough. Both girls went down at 10pm and were up by 11pm and UP(!) until nearly 5am! Ahhh! Back and forth they’d wake up to eat or cry or eat. It made for a very long night and a frustrating one at that.

By 5am, I had them both in bed with Ron and I in the hopes that they’d stay asleep for more than 5 minutes. That seemed to do the trick. They slept until 7am (woohoo!) and then again a bit more into the late morning.

Needless to say, we were both quite exhausted today. Our plan of attack now is to feed them via bottle at some point because they continue to fall asleep when they nurse (which is why we believe they keep waking up!).

So, we’ll see how it works (if it does!).