Bad, bad, Delta Airlines… but kudos to the flight crew!

We got to the gate and started to go in and the gate keeper (aka Delta gate attendant/agent) stopped us and said, there was a problem with our seats.

According to FAA regulations, two lap-based infants cannot be in the same set of three seats. He didn’t say why or anything just that we had to change our seats.

So, standing right there in front of the line, he “fixed” it and put us 6 rows apart! Grrrr… talk about 1 ticked off mommy! I had registered with the girls in the plan, so Delta KNEW there were two lap-babies.

When we got to the plane we explained the dilemma to the flight attendant and she asked us to wait on the gangway while she tried to finagle some room for us all. The captain even came out and talked with us saying Delta agents should have known better than to split us up like that. He didn’t even know why it was the rule.

Unfortunately, the flight attendant couldn’t find us seats nearer to each other and so while we were standing dumping, Abby, Joseh and I in row 23, she was offering to help us by passing stuff back and forth if need be to row 29. That would have meant, bottles, snacks, etc.

Well, come to find out, the lady right in front of us, said she had family in row 29 but got put in row 22 (duh on Delta’s part) and offer to switch with Ron, so we ended up together anyway! Woohoo!

That same attendant actually explained why we couldn’t be in the same row, too… it’s because there are only 4 oxygen masks in each row of 3, so one baby couldn’t have the proper safey stuff in the event of an emergency. Nowhere, of course, is this plastered anywhere. Big “duh” on Delta’s part.