I swear I don’t remember Joseph reacting to any vaccine except MMR and as I recall, that was several days after he’d received it. Emi, however, within 5 hours of getting it yesterday, started a high fever. At 1am this morning it was 102.9 under the arm and at 7am, 101.6 again.
Tylenol and then Motrin this morning are keeping it at bay and she’s bouncing back pretty quickly once it’s reduced, but it’s pretty obvious that she doesn’t feel very good when it starts to climb back up.
My vaccine paperwork gives no indication that the immunizations are the cause. They both got MMR, Polio and Chickenpox yesterday. Abby is showing no signs of the fever.
Looks too coincidental to be a virus, although it certainly could be. Several other TS moms have indicated their babies react in much the same way as Emi has with this set of shots, so we’re going with that as the culprit for now.
Poor baby!!
Jaqueline got sick with her MMR, too. That is a heavy-duty injection.
I haven’t scheduled Dorian’s yet, but will do his on a Friday. Can you believe they wanted to do it on his BIRTHDAY?