1 year checkup

The girls had their 1 year checkup today… finally…

Abby weighed a whopping 19 lbs 9 oz and was 30″ long. That puts her in the 25th percentile for weight and 60th percentile for height!

Emily (our pipsqueek) weighed in at 18 lbs 8 oz and was 29.5″ long. That puts her in the 15th percentile for weight and 55th percentile for height.

Once again, long skinny babies.

Now, to compare and contrast…

Emily was born at 4lbs12oz and 17inches long. In 1 year, she’s gained 4 oz shy of 14 pounds and 12.5 inches!

Abby was born at 5lbs12oz and 19inches long. In 1 year, she’s gained 3 oz shy of 14 pounds and 11 inches!

They got the Polio, MMR AND Chickenpox vaccines today. 🙁 I hate it when they cry. But, it’s what’s best for them.

As for development…

Em is more verbally developed right now and Abby more physically. I’m sure that’ll change as time goes on. It was the exact opposite at their 6mo checkup.

Emi says dada, mama, baba, duck, hi, bye and that.
Abby says dada, mama, baba and ba! (ball)

Emi will shake her head no, but Abby will come when called (sometimes at least!).

Abby can walk many steps, but Emi seems to have the better balance — just when standing alone. It’s really weird!

They are both 100% table foods and down to 1 bottle of milk a day but still nurse 3x day (weaning to 2 at their full year adjusted age — not that we really go by that date for any milestones).

It was a good checkup all in all!