The girls celebrated Christmas, Dewali, Chinese New Year, Cinco de Mayo and Hanukah today at school. Unfortunately, Abby was sick and missed her second day of school this week (outside of the 3rd day … but that one was due to snow and all three monkeys missed that one).
Anyhoo… just to give you a taste of what went on …. here are some pics and a video follows!
Part of the program was a ‘movie’ that the kids made. Each ‘holiday’ was discussed and ‘shown’ by them acting out ‘scenes’ from that ‘holiday’. The narrator for the segment was one of the 1st graders and Abby was it for Cinco de Mayo!
Since Abby missed out, I took pics of the video so she could see it.
Now for a video! 2.4Mb, so let it load. Just click the image of Emi with her treats and see her get them for herself and Abs!