A flight with Ron … and …

the girls. 🙂

The girls and I went out for a very expensive picnic Sunday afternoon. It was actually our pre-planned day to go flying with Ron. We’ve had it planned for a couple weeks so I could see the leaves from above. Unfortunately, the leaves weren’t impressive and I failed to take my Dramamine early enough and instead of making it all the way to Smith Mountain Lake, we had to “bail” in Danville, VA.

Instead of getting to a “lake” we ate our “picnic” lunch in the pilot’s lounge at the Danville, VA airport. It was cool though because there was a neato jet that took off while we were there! Ron and the girls LOVED it!

After our makeshift picnic, we headed out and by the time we got to Burlington, I had to pee SO(!) bad that we had to land and hit the airport … which was closed. So I’ll leave that part to your imagination. Apparently though this is a “problem” for private pilots and their passengers and just not as easy for a girl to handle in an airplane. 😉

In any case, we headed out and made it back to Sanford. The ride back was fine because I took another Dramamine during our picnic and it had kicked in quite well for the flight home.

I actually sat in back the whole time — with Emi first and then Abby.

The girls reacted completely differently to sitting up front. Abby sat straight and stared straight ahead and eventually fell asleep. Emily played with the “wheel” until Ron took off and then she wouldn’t touch it. 🙂 She clung to his arm as we turned and Abby clung to mine … but if straight, they were both fine.

They wore their headset and talked into it and sang ABC song and DID enjoy themselves quite well. 🙂