When Joseph gets sick …

he really gets sick.

So the kid got his first ever bout of swimmers ear over the weekend — with pain to the point of tears on a regular basis. A bit of Motrin and he was fine … it wore off and he was over the top.

By Monday he was better, Tuesday better and Wednesday at the Dr. office it was hurting (not horribly but hurting) so she checked it out and determined that his ear seemed to be showing some infection.

Now, our Pediatrician doesn’t “do drugs” unless it is really necessary. Because of the location of the infection, she suggested drops to ward off any problems.

I put in 4 drops that night and immediately Joseph started complaining.

Sent him to school Thursday, got a call at 10am, 11am and 2pm in tears and pain. Talked with the Dr. and she suggested Motrin and a heating pad.

Sent Joseph to bed, he woke up at 11pm in pain — loaded up with Motrin again, off he went.

This morning, we got up SUPER late and I didn’t get any Motrin back in him. At 7:30am I got a call from school — tears again. So, off to the Dr. again.

She looked in his ear and said it looked the same, but the pain was radiating (according to where joseph was showing her) and she suggested one big-ole-bad shot of antibiotics to clear the sucker up.

OUCH! Talk about OUCH!

It hurt. 🙁 Poor boy! We had to wait for 10 minutes to ensure no reaction and then back to school.

If this doesn’t work — literally over night — he has to go on Augmentin for 10 days. Argh!