Tonight was the open house for Joseph’s middle school. The girls, Joseph and I went and it was well … interesting. First, I’ve never seen the school before tonight and was NOT expecting what I saw. It looks like they took a very nice office building and rehabbed it into a school! Two stories, lots of glass and some “warehouse” looking outside … turns into a fantastic school inside. It’s very open, very clean, very very spacious and really quite neat!
We went into the cafetorium, gym (which is HUGE), 6th grade “pod” and walked around the 8th grade hallway. It’s a really nice school and I’m excited Joseph will be going there.
Joseph warmed up to it a bit more while there, though he’s still REALLY bummed about the track change. 🙁 He’ll meet new people, but now he just really wants to be on the same track as his neighborhood friends — whom are split 50/50 between 3 and 4 with some on traditional calendar. Go figure. Oh well. 🙂