The combination of those two sounds cannot mean anything good.
Ron and I were playing tennis in the family room and I hear … “ssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhh” and look over to see the pantry door closing (from the inside) which means two girls were going in.
Why now, would they be deliberately being quiet while going into the pantry? Um. Well …. because they had something they weren’t supposed to have! Chocolate chips!
I waited a minute or two to see what happened and it was complete silence.
So, I “snuck” over into the kitchen and opened the door.
Two little monkeys sat on the floor, in the pantry, with a PILE of chocolate chips in the middle. As I “cleaned” them up, they scrambled to grab as many as they could and stuff them in their mouths so Mommy couldn’t take them away! 🙄
You’d think I never feed my kids! Emi is a bottomlesspit and Abby wants nothing but Milk and they each have PLENTY, but they knew they shouldn’t be eating those chocolate chips!! Sneakers!!