Pool time!

All three kids WANTED to go into the pool, so I figured I’d give Ron a few moments alone and we’d all go “wimming”. 😉

The girls were absolutely raring to go. It was non-stop in trying to get them to calm down while we all got ready. Once two sets of floaties were on, off we went.

The pool wasn’t very big — just 3 ft. and 5 ft deep on each respective end. There were 5 girls already in the pool and they immediately decided E&A were their newest friends and spent time twirling them and swimming with them. It was really sweet. Joseph and the older two sort of got into a cannonball exhibition. 🙂

Emi used her hands and feet and paddled her way around everywhere, all with a HUGE grin on her face in the process. She couldn’t stop smiling as she swam.

Abby decided she’d hang around the pool’s stairs, but not as a fraidy-cat … it was her launching pad. She’d climb to the 2nd stair, turn around and JUMP into the water, then turn around and swim back, sometimes asking for a “push” back to the stairs and sometimes going on her own. In either case, she was always full of big grins too … and for 45 minutes we all “swam”. Ok, I didn’t swim, I just kept watching one then the other to make sure they weren’t going to drown.

It was time to go back up … finally … and it was a struggle to get the girls to go, but we manged. Pool time was over, but it was thoroughly enjoyed!