I slept on the couch … but not for the reasons most think of…

I slept on the couch because at 2am, Emily woke up, woke Abby up (but was insisting to Emi that it was night night time because it was dark) and they both crawled under and came out of their room with all their blankets and pillows.

Emi said “I wanna watch Robots”.


I decided that I wasn’t going to get any sleep unless we went downstairs. So, I decided I’d sleep downstairs too. It was a good move.

I setup the downstairs “bed” and both girls tucked themselves in. Abs fell asleep almost immediately and Emi did too … for that matter, so did I!!

I slept for about 4 hours and Emi woke up and had to “go pee pee” which she did not. She fell back to sleep and woke up again several more times in the next hour, but then crashed again when I had to leave with Joseph.

It was a good move overall because I actually got some sleep and so did the girls. It didn’t even require that movie! 🙂