1812 Overture = 80s music?

Joseph thinks Ron and I are old. 🙂 Surely not!!

Ron has been “moving” our CDs to MP3 (or something like that) and in doing so, he plays some of his favorites and yes, some are 80s songs. Well, tonight, the 1812 Overture was playing (a version that is Ron’s favorite) and we were trying to get Joseph to figure out the name of the song.

After much hinting, we finally had to tell him and give a little “history” at the same time.

Then, after a pause, we have this little conversation…

Joseph: How long is this song? (said in a “this is taking too long way”)
Ron: About 15 minutes.
Joseph: That’s long! Why did they make songs like that in the 80s?

To this, we both burst out laughing. Apparently the 1812 Overture is “80s music” (which it is, of course, not) and long, symphonic music is too long for his taste. 😀

Ah the life of a kid.