As told to me by Ron.
“The girls were naked, as usual, and Abby was repeating “diapee” so I was going to run her into the bathroom. Before I could, she started to pee on the floor and was yelling “pee” and then started running, slipped and fell in it and then I got her up, into the bathroom and she was screaming, not about the fall, but about the pee and not wanting to sit on the big potty or the little potty. I finally got her on the little potty and she still didn’t go. So, I was going to clean her up and she stood up and pee’d all over the bathroom floor. 🙄
Then, Emi started saying diapee, so I got her in the bathroom and she would NOT sit on the big potty [side note : Emi will ONLY sit on the big potty] and wouldn’t sit on the little potty, so I kept trying her on the big potty and she finally chose to sit on the little potty and “filled” up the little potty. :lol:”
My poor children! Peeing all over my house and falling in it and not liking the actual potty! Abby just doesn’t get it and while Emi does, it’s still quite hit or miss. I have to laugh, as thinking about it really does make me laugh. A story to embarass them with at their weddings. 😉