Emi’s turn…

About 20 minutes ago, Emi threw up all her dinner. She was 100% fine until today… I guess it was only a matter of time.

I just can’t take this! Since March 5th, one or more of us has been sick with some sort of stomach bug. I am so drained from all this. I am constantly worrying, my kids are throwing up every day or more often and I have no clue what’s coming the next day.


This is the part of mommyhood that SUCKS! This is too hard!!! My children do not deserve this! 🙁

There is no way to tell if this will go the same route as Abby… a day? days? weeks? Will she be as drained? As sick? Who knows! There is no way to tell… but now I have to worry about her and whether or not she will get dehydrated and be sick.

And now I will have to stay home from work because two sick is not manageable by one. This is horrible!!!