A little better this evening…

Abby did not want to eat or drink after her/their 2nd nap today (they very rarely take two naps). Anyway, I tried the Gerber Liquilytes — Emi liked it, Abby didn’t. I gave her a plastic cup with a top instead of her regular sippy. No go. She did eat a few more crackers, but not much. Then, we had to leave to get Joseph from the birthday party at Kidstowne park.

On our walk over, I gave them each a Pedialyte popsicle. Abby downed about 1/4 and Emi about 1/2 of hers. Then, while there, they wanted to play — both of them. So, despite not being dressed, nor even having shoes, I let them out. Abby downed the rest of her popsicle. Woohoo!

When we got back, she was a bit whiny again, but ate a few strawberry slices and then a bunch of apple slices. Emi pigged out on strawberry slices, apple sliced, crackers AND chicken noodle noodles. Abby wouldn’t touch the soup. No way, no how. Hopefully, that fruit will help her get some energy back!