I guess when you’ve spent absolutely ALL of your life with someone else around you… tied to you in many ways, leaving them, even for a few minutes is unacceptable.
The girls were being super-fussy — a trait the exhibit more and more these days. I was going to run out for some lunch and planned to let them tag along — drive throughs are quick and the girls like to ride in the van. Well… neither would come with me, so I tried to just leave them with Ron. The cat had gotten out, so when I threw him back into the house, Abby practically jumped into my arms.
So I called to Ron “Abby’s with me” and he called back “ok!”. On our way from the door to the van, Abby repeated “dida?” which of course means “sister?”. In those 10 feet, she got louder and more adamanent… and with each step moreso. Then, as I attempted to get Abby into the van and both arms went out preventing me from getting through the door. She very clearly wanted her sister!
In the end, I left without both of them… Abby refused to go without Emi and Emi was so mad and whiny I wasn’t about to take her.