Talkin’, talkin’, talkin’

The girls are talking up a storm! They are quite hilarious too. Let’s see… what do they say these days…

They point at stuff ALL the time. Last night during basketball practice, there was a lady sitting behind us and the girls and I went through this converation … about a hundred times.

E: “keys?” pointing…
Me: “Yes, keys. Not your keys though.”
E: “pone?”
Me: “Yes, phone, not your phone though.”
E: “ball?”
Me: “Yes, basketball… but not for Emily”
E: “Jo jo?”
Me: “Yes, Jojo’s playing basketball.”


A: “keys?” pointing…
Me: “Yes, keys. Not your keys though.”
A: “pone?”
Me: “Yes, phone, not your phone though.”
A: “ball?”
Me: “Yes, basketball… but not for Abby”
A: “Jo jo?”
Me: “Yes, Jojo’s playing basketball.”

And we’re repeat this cycle … again again and again.