You know how on all Scooby Doo episodes Scooby and Shaggy are chased by monsters and it’s always down a hallway with at least 4 doors. Scooby and Shaggy run into one, the monsters run behind them. Scooby and Shaggy run out of another, the monsters run out of a different one. Scooby and Shaggy run into another and the monsters run into a different one. The cycle repeats for at least 60 seconds of cartoon time.
I had this lovely “Scooby-Doo” moment today. In the middle of it I had this “deja vu” sensation and realized it was a scooby moment. Here’s what happened.
I was getting the girls into their room for a nap. Both walked up the steps like normal. Then, they both headed to Ron’s office. I grabbed Emi and put her in her room. I went back to get Abby. While I was getting Abby, Emi ran out of the room, into Joseph’s room. So I went to get Emi. While I was getting Emi, Abby ran out toward our room and when she saw me, started running. So I plopped Emi in her room and “ran” to get Abby. Got Abby and out heads Emi toward’s Ron’s office.
Now, one would think that I would be smarter than my 17 month old children, but apparently not. It took all those tried for me to finally put Abby in the room and close the door, then get Emi, reopen the door and have both in the room.
Soon though, even that won’t work. They know what door handles are for… it’s only a matter of time before they can use them.