Kitty Update

Well… kitty still has no name, but kitty is in very good health and very, very young!

I took her to the vet this morning. The vet checked her all out and confirmed she is a girl (uh…duh?). She did not have ear mites and no worms or parasites (were expecting them). Did note that her belly was “distended” and thought that would be from worms, but looks like she may just have a bit of a pot-belly. 🙂

The vet guesstimated her age at 5 weeks given her weight. They estimate a pound a month for the first 6 months — she weighed 1.2 pounds, so that would put her under 6 weeks. And because of that, she could not get vaccines yet. So she has another appointment in two weeks.

Vet did say her eyes and ears looked good; heart and lungs sounded good; and overall she looked very healthy. She was amazed she is already on baby kitty food, but is ok with that if she’s eating it.

This cat has made our house her home. She’s only not use the litter box once (and I think that was due to the trauma she dealt with today). She goes everywhere she wants… trots into Ron’s office, hides (easily I might add) in Joseph’s room, plays with the toys in the girls’ room and because she’s so small, can sit on one pedal on the pedals of my piano. 🙂

She’s about as cute as can be. 🙂