She has not officially been named. We have a vet appointment on Friday morning to have her checked out. According to Catherine, it’s likely she has worms and can pass that to the girls (ick!) so we have to really watch the girls until the cat is treated. Ewww!!
Now the interesting thing is that this cat seems to be a Russian Blue… that type of cat is PURE BRED… will be interesting to see if this turns out to be true for this kitty.
Here is a photo of pure bred Russian Blue’s to compare. What do you think?
Abby & Emi were freakin’ out about the cat. They wanted to touch it, but didn’t want to touch it either.
They’d go after the cat, then when the cat would come after then, they’d literally freak out and run toward me or Ron.
Here is Abby looking for kitty…
Here is kitty coming after us
Emi giving kitty a hug
Abby giving kitty a hug