I had to go up to Ft. Monroe outside Norfolk, VA today. It was a nice trip up… 3.5 hours, straight shot, not bad traffic (except in Cary on US 1). Left at 8am for a 1:30 meeting (with lunch beforehand) and were planning to depart at 2:30pm (home by dinner — NOT!)
I was then supposed to return for another meeting on Wednesday. Well, come to find out, our Wednesday people cancelled, so we attempted to fit them in today (which we did — at 4:30pm!).
Back to the original intent for today. A neato meeting for a neato new project I’ll get to handle. While we were packing up afterward (around 2:45pm) in pops a face I recognized from NCSU grad school! My friend, Jon Baron, works for the group we were meeting with! Talk about coincidental and what good timing! If just 5 minutes more had passed we would not have seen each other. We had a few minutes to catch-up and then out we headed to the new meeting.
By 5:30pm we were on the road home… I should have arrived easily by 9pm… but about 10 miles outside Raleigh, the car got a flat. Go figure.
So, 1.5 hours later we were “on the road again” getting in at 11:30pm… tired is the key word now. 🙂