Last day of school!

Today was Joseph’s last day of school for 3 straight weeks! He is now tracked out and ready for the break! He made it 7 straight weeks of school and his report card indicates some serious improvement! Woohoo!

He got 3’s in conduct! Can you believe it? That’s “at grade level” by the way. Instead of A, B, Cs they use 1, 2, 3, 3* and 4.

He also got a 3 in work habits. Wow! That’s always been a tough area for him. Staying on task, etc. 😉

He got 3s in social studdies, science and math.

He got 2s in reading and writing. We knew this already, so it doesn’t bother me at all. He’s still working with his tutor and that’s key right now. His teacher did make some very nice notes about how hard he’s trying and that he loves to write in cursive. Go figure. 🙂

He also got two separate “report cards” from music and pe. He got 1s across the board in PE. Yup. 1s. 🙁 I am incredibly ticked off by this. What are they thinking giving my son a 1 when they’ve NEVER said anything to us about it. Who goes 8 weeks without participating and THEN says something to the parents. ugh!

And, the same goes in music. 2s across the board. Both teachers commented on the lack of participation. Ummm… both of those require a child to do stuff in front of others. Umm… duh! This is the problem with my son! He hates that so much that he’ll resist! Geez! Do they not know what’s going on and that we’re in the middle of testing, etc.? Hello!?!?!?!?

Needless to say, I’ll be calling the Principal on Monday. 🙁