Yup… I did it. I have been racking my brain trying to find a way to advertise to the “right” audience such that I don’t waste any money at all. I have not had a good “gut feel” on any of the places I’ve considered Baby Zone (to national), TMOTT (to twin-specific), Apex Chamber of Commerce (to expensive for the “ad” it provides right now).
Then, a thought occurred to me… I get the PTA newsletter every month, and it has ads in it from local businesses. Why not get involved and reach 700 families WITH kids all at once!? Duh!
So, I did. Costs me $25 to reach those 700 and all the money goes to a downright good cause… Joseph’s school. Even better reason to go this path. And, this is more like word of mouth than any other advertising could.
So, here’s the ad!