I attempted to wean the girls this weekend, with only marginal success. I did manage to establish a new bedtime routine which means I’ve weaned them from bedtime nursing. But, poor Emi screamed her head off Friday night and last night. She might have taken a bottle from Ron, but I showed up because of how much screaming she was doing and it was me me me from that point on.
I guess weaning bedtime, without adding a bottle to it, is one major hurdle. So now, our routine is walk, bath, story with sippies of milk and then into bed.
Abby slept until 2:30am, but Emi only 2 hours to 10:30pm before she couldnt be calmed. Of course all it took was me and she was out in about 10 minutes.
So, I think the middle-of-the-night weaning is going to take quite a bit more effort.