Joseph took a header off his bike…

I was getting the girls to bed and in comes Joseph, crying and limping. It was nearly 8pm at the time. Ron was with him and explained, through the tears that he fell off his bike… again. But this time, instead of falling over right by the house, he crashed… big time.

Apparently, he was playing with his friends in the cul de sac behind us. They “ride like the wind” down the hill and then pop into various driveways to slow down… without using their brakes.

So, like usual, they did and Joseph, for whatever reason, hit the driveway “wrong” and his bike flew and he flew and after a couple of feet in the air and a few rolls on the ground, he hit the garage door and was down for the count. He got up and limped himself and his bike home.

When he came into the bathroom, I asked him how he fell and he said on his arm and leg. I asked if he hit is head and he said ‘no’. All the while, I’m literally WATCHING this welt grow on his cheekbone.

Got him all cleaned up and he’d scraped himself really well on his shoulder, elbow, both hands, side of the face, knee and side of his belly. I had to go get Neosporin because o how scraped up he was.

Later on, Ron went to get his helmet. Joseph said he hadn’t hit his face, but it was obvious he had by the very large scrap near his eye, eyebrow and cheekbone. So, we needed to double check his helmet was still in tact.


His helmet is cracked. That means he DID hit his head and hard enough to crack his helmet. Thank GOD(!) for helmets! I can’t imagine what would have happened if he hadn’t had it on!!