Saturday morning breakfast and more swimming

I took the girls and Joseph down for breakfast at the hotel. The lounge area was PACKED(!) with people and it was nearly impossible for me to maneuver the double stroller. So, I parked it in a corner and was planning to sit on the floor, when a small table opened up.

Joseph grabbed it for us and I managed to snag two high chairs and we sat around and had breakfast. Waffles, pastry, eggs, sausage, milk, apple juice and bananas. One more perk of the Comfort Suites.

Afterward, we went down to the pool to let Joseph swim again. The girls freaked out in much the same way they did yesterday. Oh well. Once on my lap though, they were happy as clams.

A ton of kids were swimming, so Joseph got a bunch of “friend time” in. There was this one little boy, in the shallow end, who obviously couldn’t swim, but wasn’t worried a bit if he could stand. He would walk by the girls and say “babies… babies… watch and learn.” and run and do a cannonball.

Joseph swam for about 1/2 an hour then we had to rush and get upstairs to pack up and check out on time!