I attempted to feed the girls macaroni and beef — another of the stage 2 baby foods — to no avail. They each took a couple of bites and absolutely refused more. I enticed them with some Apples & blueberries and tried the beef again only to have them clamp those mouths shut.
So, I do believe that is one baby food they will not eat. I smelled it and I do have to admit it smells rank. Chicken and Turkey stage 2s don’t have that problem and the girls eat them up!
They were so “grossed” out that they didn’t want anymore of their fruit, so I smooshed up a banana. They are getting a lot better with chunkier banana now too. Since I was eating mac and cheese, I chopped up some of it and offered it, but Abby took one and swallowed it whole (no choking issue there) and that was it for “real” Mac&Cheese. 😉
I don’t think I’ll be traying any more of that beef stuff!