Fun in the tub!

I ran the bath tonight like I always do. Get the water warm, plug the stopper and then pop in the babies while it fills up. However, this time, I threw in a bunch of toys filled it up to the normal level first and *then* popped in the babies.

And, instead of laying down, I let them sit up and play while I washed them and got them all clean.

They loved it! Up until Sunday night, I’d always laid them down in the tub and filled the water to it reached their ears then played with them while they hung out, sucked on their wash cloths, etc. This time, I sat by and watched and they played, stole each others’ toys, splashed in the water with their hands (Abby mostly) and just had fun!

It was soo cute! I didn’t have the camera so next time, I’ll have to take some pictures! 🙂

Since the tub has a slight angle to it and Abby was sitting up facing the higher part of the tub, she kept sliding down and ending up over the tub stopper. Didn’t seem to mind a bit though, I’d just push her back up to her sister.

This was also the first time I let water drip over their faces. When they laid down in the tub, I just wiped their faces and made sure water didn’t drip from washing their hair. This time, I basically drenched them and they didn’t even flinch. Probably because of the heavy toy distraction factor. 😉

It’s just amazing how much they’ve grown!!!